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Brush Automobile

If you have landed here, perhaps you are looking to find information or a connections between the Brush Electric companies and the USA based Brush Automobile product line which started production in 1907 and ended in 1913. 


Alanson Brush was a cousin of Charles Francis Brush but there seems to have been no direct business dealings or cooperation that have been recorded.  But on background if the Brush Auto is what you are looking for, here are some pointers you might find helpful


The primary Brush automobile model was the Runabout, a light two passenger American automobile designed by American Alanson P. Brush in 1907. The first Brush built had a wooden chassis and a single cylinder 12 HP engine with chain drive and solid tires. The cost in 1907 was $780.00.  Different coach builders fitted a wide variety of bodies to turn the basic chassis into different commercial delivery vehicles - groceries, plumbing supplies, bread, liquer etc.   Alanson Brush went on to design the first Oakland Motor Car, the forerunner of Pontiac and helped design the original one-cylinder Cadillac engine, all notable American car marques. 


Here are just a few items on the Alanson Brush vehicle.

The Brush Electric company in UK did make vehicles for the military during World War 1 and subsequently for commercial use, and particularly public transport the details of this can be tracked down in the UK & Europe pages.

Alanson Brush went on to form the Cadillac Car company.  

NOTICE.  All documents and images and any links to other sites are provided for research and educational purposes.  The ownership of any copyrighted materials remains with the owner.


If you have suitable materials or missing issues of Brush magazine or news articles, please send to Webmaster using the CONTACT form.

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